Saturday, May 19, 2007

I almost died in a traffic accident just now!!!

As I was jay-walking, there was a path for me to stop before crossing the one lane road. I stopped to wait for the cars to pass (quite a heavy flow of cars) and then a van stopped in front of me, the men inside signaling me to pass (that kinda give way for you to walk) and fearing that they might caused a jam by stopping halfway like that, I walked.

Never did I realised that a motorcyclist does not think the same or get the hint to stop, he went beside the van and I couldn't see him until he almost knocked into me. Luckily I backed away just in time and suffer no injuries.

The motorcyclist seems worried as well as pissed... and he stopped at the road side to check if I'm okay. I felt very apologetic actually because even if I escaped uninjured, the motorist may injured himself trying to avoid hitting me.

So let me make a note to myself, next time don't ever cross the road until it is clear and not cross because others let me cross, they want me go and die, how?
So scary this incident I must say, it was a miss by a few seconds. Sigh... at least the motorist and I were not injured, phew. I am at fault in this case.

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