I haven't update for quite some time. I have been working, pak tohing, gaming and erm.. studying here and there. Nothing much has change, except maybe I have put on more weight :p. There hasn't been much of a special outing yet, hence the lack of photos (unless gimped pics are counted).
Quite a number of photos are uploaded to facebook. I know I resented having a facebook account at one point in time, if not because of my boyfriend who tempted me with mafia war game, I'd probably not have started a fb account.
Recently the weather has been scorching. The weed lookalike plant at the bottom was the dying dill plant, or should be 3/4 dead. The lemon plants are happily growing away despite the burning heat.
Meanwhile, an idea for a movie plot popped into my head. I shall just share for fun.
One robot geek guy has this friend who has never been attached. His friend believed that no girls will fall for him (kinda no confidence in himself), so this robot geek guy decided to create a female model robot for his friend as a "girlfriend" replacement.
The geek then sought out a female who is willing to poise nude in order for him to create a lifelike replica for the robot. He got the contact number, took photos of her and started preparing the material for moulding.
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The robot is completed. It has functions similar to that of a normal human, able to walk, talk and do activites like household chores. The geek presented the robot to his friend, telling him at the same time to wash her everyday to prevent the material from getting dirty (i.e., like bathing her). His friend is thrilled.
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The robot broke down one day. The guy returned the robot to the geek to fix. The geek told him to return home for time being while he tries to fix the robot. The repair will take quite a long time and hence the geek contacted the girl model to pretend as a robot to keep his friend company for the time being. The girl agreed.
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Many funny events happened then. For e.g., the girl was pushed into the toilet and the guy was about to strip her for a wash. The girl was shocked inside her heart but remained emotionless on her face. She told the guy in a robotic voice that the geek has installed new programs in her, giving her the ability to wash herself because the guy hasn't wash her cleaner. The guy was stunned and the next moment he was pushed out of the bathroom. The guy was amazed at the flowing motions, the new abilities of his robot. He thanked the geek over the phone for his upgrades. During the period of time spent together, the girl and the guy developed feelings for each other. The girl is still pretending as an advanced robot while the guy had no idea she is a real girl.
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The robot was repaired and the girl left in the middle of the night to be replaced by the robot. The guy noticed the differences and went to his geek friend to inquire. He wanted what was before that night, after the repair....
Erm, if anyone interested, feel free to copy and paste and edit or ... continue for me? :D
Why robots? Probably watched too much TSCC ( in fact not a lot, but the show super nice, pls cont season 3? Aii cant chut the big eye cute emote)
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