At the last minute, there was yet another change; the surprise was no longer there since in order to make Dear dear stay at home on the day itself, I lied to him saying I will be cooking for his family for lunch. They expected one person and well, Dear dear told me that every member of his house will eat when they heard that I will be cooking. That certainly gives pressure, and with Dom's dad, I am not sure if bread will be preferred to rice. Hence, the idea was changed again to Jon cooking 2 dishes and me cooking 2 dishes as well. The mini kebabs were made on my own on the thought of the guys' voracious appetites.
The soup was also prepared by Jon, with the help from Dom's mother. The whole cooking was done in laughter, in success... with a few hiccups such as Dear dear dropping an egg, as well as dropping like 1/6 of the tofu when opening. His actions invited hilarious roars of laughter from the rest of us.
Jon was extremely pleased to know that Dom's house still have a hamster, his favorite animal.
Anyway, the mini party idea came to me when I looked back on my past photos of birthday. The table filled with simple dishes and a cake with candles on seem appealing as well as heart-warming. I also hoped Dear dear can have this experience as well, hence I organized such a mini party.The effects were quite well, especially with my newly acquired Canon IXUS 860 IS to take pictures. :p
Due to me forgetting to bring along "Uno" cards, we had to trouble Dom to find a game for our after-lunch entertainment.
Anyway, due to the day being Father's Day as well, I had to rush back home to celebrate for my dad and the game was ended.
Sidetrack: Zihan was not being able to come due to miscommunication. Since the budget was calculated with 4 people instead of 3, I ended up not having enough money for transport and Dom has to reimburse me a little.
For a different perspective of the event, one can visit either Jon's entry or Jiahao's entry.
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