Haha I found that in Wenwei's blog also have queen of the night but a mild version and here I will put my favourite version.
Monday, January 28, 2008
My 22nd birthday
Quite saddening, isn't it? In just a wink of eye, I became one year older... getting nearer to the 30s auntie age. Sigh... no matter how tiring is life, or work... there will bound to be happiness somewhere... something to look forward to... yea, my birthday celebration. :D
Alas, that day happened to fall on a Sunday which my F7 lecturer wanted to have class... from 2pm to 7pm +++... >_< "' and hence my celebration was pushed forward to Fri and Sat. My super nice dear dear, after my "constant reminder", bought my mom's present for me which was Baked Alaska log cake from Island creamery @ $28 and carried all the way to my house... :)

My family and dear played mahjong before cutting the cake. Wow... my dear improved a lot on his mahjong skill.
The Baked Alaska is very appropriately named, with the meringue as the top layer resembling the snow, the thick middle layer of ice-cream (super cold) resembling the thick ice beneath the snow and the cake as the land. The sweetness decrease from the meringue to the cake. The hardness increase in the same direction. Well, as for the red berries in between... hmmm... take them as carcasses buried in the ice waiting to be discovered someday.
On Sat, my dear and I went to Serangoon Garden to eat guo tie and kway chup. Our dessert was the infamous Alcoholic Anonymous from ICE³. While waiting for ICE³ to open, I bought a box of mini oranges. The oranges reminded me of a time when I was cooking at my dear's house, while preparing and cooking, my dear peeled these small oranges and put them in my mouth. Very sweet and romantic, though weird picture... :) The box suddenly gave way when we walked out of ICE³ and we ended up picking oranges on the pavement and roadside. A few were squashed and had to be forgo, but majority still went home, so never mind about that incident.
A lesson to learn is that next time when buying heavy loads of fruits, take 2 plastic bags over it to prevent unnecessary loss.
Alas, that day happened to fall on a Sunday which my F7 lecturer wanted to have class... from 2pm to 7pm +++... >_< "' and hence my celebration was pushed forward to Fri and Sat. My super nice dear dear, after my "constant reminder", bought my mom's present for me which was Baked Alaska log cake from Island creamery @ $28 and carried all the way to my house... :)
My family and dear played mahjong before cutting the cake. Wow... my dear improved a lot on his mahjong skill.
The Baked Alaska is very appropriately named, with the meringue as the top layer resembling the snow, the thick middle layer of ice-cream (super cold) resembling the thick ice beneath the snow and the cake as the land. The sweetness decrease from the meringue to the cake. The hardness increase in the same direction. Well, as for the red berries in between... hmmm... take them as carcasses buried in the ice waiting to be discovered someday.
On Sat, my dear and I went to Serangoon Garden to eat guo tie and kway chup. Our dessert was the infamous Alcoholic Anonymous from ICE³. While waiting for ICE³ to open, I bought a box of mini oranges. The oranges reminded me of a time when I was cooking at my dear's house, while preparing and cooking, my dear peeled these small oranges and put them in my mouth. Very sweet and romantic, though weird picture... :) The box suddenly gave way when we walked out of ICE³ and we ended up picking oranges on the pavement and roadside. A few were squashed and had to be forgo, but majority still went home, so never mind about that incident.
A lesson to learn is that next time when buying heavy loads of fruits, take 2 plastic bags over it to prevent unnecessary loss.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Kusu and St John Islands
The view of the sea from inside the ferry, the map of Kusu island for easy navigation, the tortoise sanctuary was filled with Red-eared terapins and Snake-Neck tortoises and the biggest arrived on "shore". Kusu island was such a nice getaway from city life and noisy beaches ( compared to East Coast park ).
The biggest tortoise was not moving, perhaps sleeping inside the shelter ( I thought it was dead... ). I am sitting on the tortoise statue. Dom dom fell asleep after our lunch. An unexpected surprise? I was hoping to see dog-faced water snake but never get to see one here, and then I chanced upon this at the temple... a reticulated python! :D Poor tortoises... :(
Since the same ferry will go to St john after Kusu, we decided to go as well, the price will be more worthwhile ($15 per pax for 2 islands). Luckily we went there this time round and not save for the next year... the island was not enjoyable at all, with nothing much to see. I was a bit disappointed, but still enjoyed overall from Kusu island trip.
Taken on St John island, the last picture showed a weird creature which looked like a caterpillar with six legs only. The rest of the body drags behind.
The rubber bands are highly uncomfortable.
On my latest visit to the dentist, not only did my power chains get changed, there was an input of 2 rubber bands pulling the upper and lower jaws. These rubber bands have to be changed very time I eat, well, that will be very troublesome since must 自己亲自动手 to change and I am not good at it, causing the rubber band to recoil on my gums at times... Aw.... pain!
Heard that this procedure is quite common so I shan't post any pictures. Due to the fact that the rubber bands were in place for 1 day only, hence when I woke up in the morning today, I could hardly bear to open my mouth. The feeling was like the jaws were glued together.
Heard that this procedure is quite common so I shan't post any pictures. Due to the fact that the rubber bands were in place for 1 day only, hence when I woke up in the morning today, I could hardly bear to open my mouth. The feeling was like the jaws were glued together.
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